Nero assoluto - 9783740800178
Un libro di Andreas Pflüger edito da Emons Edizioni , 2017
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Nella sua vita precedente Jenny Aaron lavorava al Dipartimento, un corpo d'élite della polizia: prima donna a farne parte, brillante e addestrata ad affrontare qualsiasi pericolo, era una degli agenti più stimati. Ma nel corso di una missione a Barcellona qualcosa va storto e una pallottola la rende cieca. Cinque anni dopo Jenny riceve una telefonata da Berlino. I suoi ex colleghi le chiedono aiuto. Profiler con capacità fuori del comune e gran sangue freddo, accetta di rientrare al Dipartimento. Riemergono gli amici di un tempo, ma anche un passato doloroso che continua a tormentarla. E quando il suo peggior nemico, un assassino feroce e raffinato, la invita a giocare una partita letale, Jenny non si tira indietro. Saranno le 36 ore più incandescenti e decisive di tutta la sua vita.
In his previous life Jenny Aaron worked at the State Department, an elite corps of police: first woman to be a part of it, brilliant and trained to face any danger, was a most respected agents. But during a mission in Barcelona, something goes wrong and a bullet makes it blind. Five years after Jenny gets a call from Berlin. His former colleagues ask her help. Profiler with unusual abilities and great coolness, agrees to return to the Department. Resurface the former friends, but also a painful past that continues to haunt her. And when his worst enemy, a vicious killer and refined, invites her to play a game lethal, Jenny does not hold back. Will be the most decisive 36-hour incandescent and of his entire life.
In his previous life Jenny Aaron worked at the State Department, an elite corps of police: first woman to be a part of it, brilliant and trained to face any danger, was a most respected agents. But during a mission in Barcelona, something goes wrong and a bullet makes it blind. Five years after Jenny gets a call from Berlin. His former colleagues ask her help. Profiler with unusual abilities and great coolness, agrees to return to the Department. Resurface the former friends, but also a painful past that continues to haunt her. And when his worst enemy, a vicious killer and refined, invites her to play a game lethal, Jenny does not hold back. Will be the most decisive 36-hour incandescent and of his entire life.
Nero assoluto
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