
Californian Flowers. E-book. Formato PDF - 9782372974844

Un ebook di  & Daphne Chloé  edito da R.E.I. Editions, 2023

Californian Flower Therapy is based on the same principles as Bach Flower Therapy with the difference that the essences used are those of flowers that grow spontaneously on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada, in California, in an area not yet directly contaminated by pollution.
There are many more Californian remedies than Bach's (103 against Bach's 38 classic remedies), but the main difference lies in their extreme specificity and topicality; compared to Bach flowers, the Californian ones work on more modern and topical specific problems which at the time in which Bach lived were not as preponderant or were not yet talked about as today: anorexia and bulimia, sexual disorders, diseases resulting from environmental pollution. 
Usually, in fact, the flower remedies that have succeeded those of Bach have a more limited, targeted, therefore more symptomatic field of action. California flower essences were created in the late 1970s by a group of researchers led by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Kats, founders of the Flower Essence Society (FES), the distributor of these essences.
The research that led to the identification of the remedies makes use of medical-holistic, psychological, botanical knowledge, in particular the plant is observed a lot, the environment in which it grows, and the way in which the plant relates to the environment, in this way it is possible to grasp the subtle nuances which will then help to clarify its use.

Informazioni bibliografiche

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