
Ciceronianus: Or a Dialogue on the Best Style of Speaking. E-book. Formato PDF - 9780243839971

Un ebook di  Erasmus Desiderius  edito da Forgotten Books, 2017

A few words concerning the setting and the educational sig nificance of this treatise are desirable by way of introduction. The Dialogas Ciceronianus (1528) is the one important tech nical educational treatise of Erasmus, that has never appeared in an English form. Even in the original, it has had few reprints and none of these are of recent date. His De Ratione Studii, and the treatise De Pueris Statim ac Liberaliter Instituendzls are given in English by Professor Woodward in his Erasmus Con cerning Education;1 the C olloqm'es have appeared in several forms, most completely in the Bailey edition 2 his letters, which contain much discussion of direct educational value, are ade quately represented -in the recent Nichols edition 3 but the Dialogas Ciceronianas, his most extensive treatise on an educa tional subject as it demanded attention in his own day, has not been deemed of sufficient interest to the student of education to justify a translation.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: Ciceronianus: Or a Dialogue on the Best Style of Speaking. E-book. Formato PDF
  • AutoreErasmus Desiderius
  • Editore: Forgotten Books
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 24 Ottobre '17
  • Formato: PDF
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9780243839971
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