
The Temple of MysteriesA Key to the Secrets of Life. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9781639940349

Un ebook di  Francia La Due  edito da Radiant Books, 2023

Are you seeking profound answers to the mysteries that surround us?

Discover a key to the secrets of life in The Temple of Mysteries.

Bridging spirituality and science, this classic work is a true gem of the world’s esoteric legacy. The Master Hilarion, the Protector of America and Europe, transmitted it through Francia La Due, intending to assist humanity in resolving the challenges of modern civilization and guide us toward unity with the cosmic forces that shape our existence.

We all still benefit from the scientific inventions made by the Temple members and their children — inventions that led to radar, microwave technologies, satellite communication, and radiotherapy.

The Temple of Mysteries reveals the long-concealed pages of life, providing insights into an extensive array of subjects across its 249 short lessons:

  • practical methods of self-development
  • the fundamental laws of the Universe
  • the working of Karma
  • the power of color and sound
  • health
  • the afterlife
  • democracy
  • relationships with others
  • good and evil magic
  • thought and imagination
  • twin souls
  • the battle of Armageddon
  • the Second Coming of Christ
  • the future of humanity
  • and so much more!

The Temple of Mysteries is a treasure trove of hidden wisdom. Its 700 pages will illuminate your path to self-realization and help you find answers to the most pressing questions that trouble your soul.

Are you ready to turn the key and unlock the secrets of life?

Take the first step, and download The Temple of Mysteries now!

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: The Temple of MysteriesA Key to the Secrets of Life. E-book. Formato EPUB
  • AutoreFrancia La Due
  • Editore: Radiant Books
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 19 Luglio '23
  • Formato: EPUB
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9781639940349
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