
Quotations. E-book. Formato PDF - 9780243819959

Un ebook di  Helena Petrovna Blavatsky  edito da Forgotten Books, 2017

Each human being is an incarnation of his God, in other words, one with his Father in Heaven. All that an average man can know of his Father is what he knows of himself, through and within himself. The soul of his Heavenly Father is incarnated in him. The soul is himself, if he is successful in assimilating the divine individuality while in his physical animal shell. No Theosophist has a right to remain idle on the excuse that he knows too little to teach. The identity of our physical origin makes no appeal to our higher and deeper feelings. Matter, deprived of its soul and spirit, or its divine essence, cannot speak to the human heart. But the identity of the soul and spirit, of real, immortal man, as Theosophy teaches us, once proven and deep-rooted in our hearts, would lead us far on the road of real charity and brotherly good will.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: Quotations. E-book. Formato PDF
  • AutoreHelena Petrovna Blavatsky
  • Editore: Forgotten Books
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 24 Ottobre '17
  • Formato: PDF
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9780243819959
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