
1900 or, The last President. E-book. Formato PDF - 9788835320036

Un ebook di  Lockwood Ingersoll  edito da iOnlineShopping.com, 2019

A 1890's book written about what happens when the wrong President is elected.

This succinct little book about a turn-of-the-century president was definitely a page turner. He filled the cabinet with his well-known cohorts, immediately started writing executive orders to change public policy, wanted to proceed with the ability to do without "foreign cooperation," and was met with a series of public protests in response to his actions.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: 1900 or, The last President. E-book. Formato PDF
  • AutoreLockwood Ingersoll
  • Editore: iOnlineShopping.com
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 17 Ottobre '19
  • Formato: PDF
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9788835320036
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