
The Last President Anthology. E-book. Formato PDF - 9791220237451

Un ebook di  Lockwood Ingersoll  edito da Midwest Journal Press, 2020

An Anthology of Prescient Political Satire
These century-old predictions are uncanny.
Too much like our present day, say some. Proof that time travel exists, say others.
Ingersoll Lockwood, himself a lawyer, wrote a pamphlet which predicted the rise of an outsider presidential candidate who took the presidency of our nation and ended it. Set in the lat 1800's it tells of a populist candidate who is elected with the platform to "undo the bad business of years of unholy union between barters and sellers of human toil and the law makers of the land."
Newsweek, among others, repeated the parallels they found with this short work and our present day:
- Mobs forming and riots erupting immediately after the election results were announced.
- Those mobs pressed forward to the site where the current Trump Towers stand, but were stopped by armed forces. (The "Women's March" started on the east side and was prevented from reaching Trump International by police barricades.)
- The new President having the full support of Congress and "nothing to stand between him and the realisation of those schemes..."
- The majority of the votes came from the South, which made the North worried. (ie. Red States vs. Blue.)
- The Supreme Court, having many in advanced age, and possible vacancies upcoming.
- Inauguration day was heavily overcast.
- A "Pence" was in his cabinet.
- The Senate "now took on a spirit of extreme acrimony..." and quit adjourning for the holidays.
- The President announced that he was going to undo the "grievous and unlawful burdens" by preceding Congresses (and Administrations).
These similarities between fiction and current events were so great, Snopes elected to "fact check" them and gave them a "mostly true" rating.
The other book Lockwood was known for had a Baron (Barron?) Trump as the hero. In this included story, he again tired of his excessive wealth and set about going to Russia (Russiagate?) to meet a powerful "Don" who was to instruct him about his new adventure.
Also included in this anthology are several additional modern satires that poke barbed fun at certain "alluded" characters in our current political sphere.
For all we know, these may be just another coincidental set of entertaining fiction...
Anthology containing:
- 1900: Or; The Last President
- Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey
- Doppel
- The "Panic of 2020"
- The Chardonney Conspiracy
- The Integrity Implosions
- The Longly Witness
- Beltway Gremiln
- The Mystery of Meri
- Mind Timing
- Our Second Civil War
- Riot Wall
- A Very Thin Line
- The Case of the Walkaway Blues
- For the Love of 'Cagga
- Synco
- The Tunnel People
- When the Cities Died, I Danced
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Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: The Last President Anthology. E-book. Formato PDF
  • AutoreLockwood Ingersoll
  • Editore: Midwest Journal Press
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 15 Dicembre '20
  • Formato: PDF
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9791220237451
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