
Prophetic Biography of Jesus Christ. E-book. Formato PDF - 9780243613861

Un ebook di  Vigilius H. Krull  edito da Forgotten Books, 2017

Innocent hearts are throbbing with burning love for Jesus. Repentant souls, like Mary Mag dalen of old, publicly manifest their strong at tachment and warmth of affection to their merci ful Savior. Those, who by some special grace of God gained knowledge of Him in later years of life, cling to Him with the faith and hope and love of a Saint Paul, so that nothing can ever separate them from the love of Jesus Christ. The whole civilized world gives honor to the day and year of His birth. Historians, very many of them unconsciously, point to Jesus as the central figure of the world's history. If this year is called 1916, we denote by this number that about 1916 years ago Jesus Christ was born. When we speak of things that happened in ancient times, we say: It was'so many years before the coming of Christ; as for instance: Alexander the Great was king of Macedon 336 — 324; it simply means so many years before the coming of Christ. Jesus, the center of historic computation, is pre-eminently the center of safest hope and purest love.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: Prophetic Biography of Jesus Christ. E-book. Formato PDF
  • AutoreVigilius H. Krull
  • Editore: Forgotten Books
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 24 Ottobre '17
  • Formato: PDF
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9780243613861
Dello stesso autore: Vigilius H. Krull
Prophetic Biography of Jesus Christ. E-book. Formato PDF ebook di Vigilius H. Krull
Prophetic Biography of Jesus Christ. E-book. Formato PDF
Vigilius H. Krull 
edizioni Forgotten Books
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