
Gemma Stone eBooks

eBooks di Gemma Stone di Ean 9781950 di Formato Mobipocket

Julia's BedA Trevor Gantt Erotic Mystery. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Julia's BedA Trevor Gantt Erotic Mystery. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Gemma Stone 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2021

Supermodel Julia Spoleto uses her substantial savings to purchase a mansion on New York’s Upper West Side. Downstairs she opens Julia’s Bed, the best Italian restaurant in the city. On the upper floors, she houses eleven models, her personal harem of slaves, who double as servers at the restaurant wearing flimsy lingerie....

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The Constant ConcubinesA Trevor Gantt Erotic Mystery. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Constant ConcubinesA Trevor Gantt Erotic Mystery. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Gemma Stone 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2020

Wealthy retired lawyer Trevor Gantt just wants to enjoy his leisure in the New York suburbs with his four beautiful collared slaves. However, Middlefield, for a small town of rich families, seems to have an inordinately high murder rate. When Jock Up-the-grove is found dead in his car, Trevor is enlisted to investigate...

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Murder, My SlaveA Trevor Gantt Erotic Mystery. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Murder, My SlaveA Trevor Gantt Erotic Mystery. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Gemma Stone 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2019

Trevor Gantt is a wealthy New York lawyer who retires at forty and buys a home in a sleepy country village, sight unseen. When he first approaches the house, he spies a comely young woman swimming topless in a pond on his property. Emma, the caretaker, turns out to be an experienced submissive who writes BDSM fiction,...

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