
Charles Phillips eBooks

eBooks di Charles Phillips di Formato Pdf

50 enigmi per sviluppare il pensiero visivo. E-book. Formato PDF

50 enigmi per sviluppare il pensiero visivo. E-book. Formato PDF

Charles Phillips 
edizioni Vallardi A. collana Risposte , 2012

Tutti nasciamo con una grande intelligenza visiva che negli anni tende ad affievolirsi perché ci viene insegnato a concentrarci di più sui numeri e sulle parole. Valorizzare ed espandere il pensiero visivo sviluppa la capacità di tradurre le idee in immagini, migliora la comunicazione e fa risparmiare tempo nel prendere...

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€ 4.49
Notes on International Law. E-book. Formato PDF

Notes on International Law. E-book. Formato PDF

Charles Phillips Eaton 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

The modern conception of a state occupying a definite area of territory has gradually arisen out of the settlements made by the Teutonic tribes on the wreck of the Roman Empire. Scattered Teutonic tribes gathered into larger wholes, nations. They were migratory nations, and the idea of sovereignty was not connected...

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€ 6.85
Clinical Diagnosis: A Text-Book of Clinical Microscopy and Clinical Chemistry for Medical Students, Laboratory Workers, and Practitioners of Medicine. E-book. Formato PDF

Clinical Diagnosis: A Text-Book of Clinical Microscopy and Clinical Chemistry for Medical Students, Laboratory Workers, and Practitioners of Medicine. E-book. Formato PDF

Charles Phillips Emerson 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

The author has been careful not to include new untried methods, for of these but'a small number will last, and a text-book should contain nothing as yet not well tested by friends and foes. It is the introduction of new methods which renders some books even dangerous to the man who buys but one.

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€ 12.85