
Gabriel Seailles eBooks

eBooks di Gabriel Seailles di Formato Epub

Léonard de Vinci et œuvres d'art. E-book. Formato EPUB

Léonard de Vinci et œuvres d'art. E-book. Formato EPUB

Gabriel Séailles 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2023

Léonard de Vinci (Vinci, 1452 – Le Clos-Lucé, 1519). Léonard passa la première partie de sa vie à Florence, la seconde à Milan et ses trois dernières années en France. Le professeur de Léonard fut Verrocchio, d'abord orfèvre, puis peintre et sculpteur. En tant que peintre, Verrocchio était représentatif de la très...

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€ 6.00
Leonardo da Vinci and artworks. E-book. Formato EPUB

Leonardo da Vinci and artworks. E-book. Formato EPUB

Gabriel Séailles 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2023

Leonardo’s early life was spent in Florence, his maturity in Milan, and the last three years of his life in France. Leonardo’s teacher was Verrocchio. First he was a goldsmith, then a painter and sculptor: as a painter, representative of the very scientific school of draughtsmanship; more famous as a sculptor, being...

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€ 6.00
Leonardo da Vinci und Kunstwerke. E-book. Formato EPUB

Leonardo da Vinci und Kunstwerke. E-book. Formato EPUB

Gabriel Séailles 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2023

“War Leonardos deutliche Berufung zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung eine Hilfe oder ein Hindernis für seine Arbeit als Künstler? Er wird gewöhnlich als ein Beispiel für die Möglichkeit eines Bündnisses von Kunst und Wissenschaft angeführt. In ihm, so heißt es zumeist, erhielt das schöpferische Genie durch die analytische...

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€ 6.00
Leonardo Da Vinci. E-book. Formato EPUB

Leonardo Da Vinci. E-book. Formato EPUB

Gabriel Séailles 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2013

Leonardo’s early life was spent in Florence, his maturity in Milan, and the last three years of his life in France. Leonardo’s teacher was Verrocchio. First he was a goldsmith, then a painter and sculptor: as a painter, representative of the very scientific school of draughtsmanship; more famous as a sculptor, being...

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€ 4.20
Leonardo da Vinci ?i opere de arta. E-book. Formato EPUB

Leonardo da Vinci ?i opere de arta. E-book. Formato EPUB

Gabriel Séailles 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2023

Leonardo ?i-a petrecut primii ani de via?a la Floren?a, maturitatea la Milano, iar ultimii trei ani de via?a în Fran?a. Profesorul lui Leonardo a fost Verrocchio. Mai întâi a fost orfevru, apoi pictor ?i sculptor: ca pictor, reprezentant al ?colii foarte ?tiin?ifice de desen; mai celebru ca sculptor, fiind creatorul...

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€ 13.99