
James Hilton eBooks

eBooks di James Hilton di Formato Epub

James Hilton (Leigh, Lancashire,1900 – Long Beach, California, 1954) è stato uno scrittore inglese di bestseller e uno sceneggiatore vincitore del premio Oscar nel 1942. Hilton ha lavorato come giornalista in Inghilterra fino a quando i suoi capolavori, Orizzonte perduto (1933, vincitore del Hawthornden Prize nel 1934) e Addio, mister Chips! (1934), lo hanno reso celebre e lanciato a Hollywood grazie agli adattamenti cinematografici di Frank Capra. I suoi romanzi sono stati pubblicati in tutto il mondo.

Orizzonte perduto. E-book. Formato EPUB

Orizzonte perduto. E-book. Formato EPUB

James Hilton 
edizioni Corbaccio collana , 2022

Un capolavoro della letteratura moderna e uno dei classici più amati del Ventesimo secoloHugh Conway ha avuto modo di vedere il peggio dell’umanità dalle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale. Adesso, a oltre dieci anni di distanza, è un diplomatico inglese di stanza in Afghanistan e di nuovo si trova in mezzo a una...

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€ 9.99
Catherine herself. E-book. Formato EPUB

Catherine herself. E-book. Formato EPUB

James Hilton 
edizioni Librorium Editions collana , 2023

CATHERINE thought: Day is white, Night is black, but sometimes it is half-white and half-black.... There were five knobs on the brass rail of the bed: one of them would come off.... The baker came to the door every night and said: “And how is Cathie?” ...It was cold, and blue flames flickered on top of...

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€ 1.30
Lost Horizon. E-book. Formato EPUB

Lost Horizon. E-book. Formato EPUB

James Hilton 
edizioni Reading Essentials collana , 2019

While attempting to escape a civil war, four people are kidnapped and transported to the Tibetan mountains. After their plane crashes, they are found by a mysterious Chinese man. He leads them to a monastery hidden in "the valley of the blue moon" - a land of mystery and matchless beauty where life is lived in tranquil...

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€ 0.99
The Meadows of the Moon. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Meadows of the Moon. E-book. Formato EPUB

James Hilton 
edizioni Librorium Editions collana , 2022

At twilight a train from London deposited a man and a little girl at Patchley station. The man was grey-haired, though tall and of soldierly bearing, and the little girl was so tired that she could hardly drag one foot after the other. In the station-yard a pair-horse landau waited, and the coachman, as soon as he...

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€ 1.29
The passionate year. E-book. Formato EPUB

The passionate year. E-book. Formato EPUB

James Hilton 
edizioni Librorium Editions collana , 2022

"Ah, am yes, Mr. Speed, is it not?... Welcome, sir! Welcome to Millstead!" Kenneth Speed gripped the other's hand and smiled. He was a tall passably good-looking fellow in his early twenties, bright-eyed and brown-haired. At the moment he was feeling somewhat nervous, and always when he felt nervous he...

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€ 1.49