
Wassily Kandinsky eBooks

eBooks di Wassily Kandinsky di Formato Mobipocket

Kandinsky, the spiritual in art. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Kandinsky, the spiritual in art. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Wassily Kandinsky 
edizioni Wassily Kandinsky collana , 2015

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (1866 - 1944) was a fantastic Russian painter who is credited for painting the first modern abstract works. In this book, Kandinsky compares the spiritual life of humanity to a pyramid; and the artist has the mission of leading others to the top. Illustrated with 11 paintings. The spiritual...

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Concerning the Spiritual in Art. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Concerning the Spiritual in Art. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Wassily Kandinsky 
edizioni JH collana , 2019

Kandinsky sees the spiritual life of humanity as a pyramid. The artist must lead the layman to the top of this pyramid through the soulful exercise of art. Kandinsky differentiates between the superficial pleasure art inspires and the inner resonance created when art is considered attentively and allowed to touch the...

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