
Jon Zelig eBooks

eBooks di Jon Zelig

Lose Your Wife in Three Easy Lessons. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Lose Your Wife in Three Easy Lessons. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Jon Zelig 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2019

‘Jill was an open book’ he’d said of his wife. She does as she’s told without hesitation, endures the pain he dishes out, and calls him “Daddy” when she’s scared. She’s his, right? But then there’s Benny. To him ‘Benny was just an amusement park ride, a crude piece of entertainment machinery: easily started, stopped,...

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A Femdom TwoferBeing Alessandra's & DoubleCucked & Regressed. E-book. Formato EPUB

A Femdom TwoferBeing Alessandra's & DoubleCucked & Regressed. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jon Zelig 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2019

Being Allessandra’s. Alessandra wasn’t just the top of my favorites list. Hers was the only name on the list, the girl above all girls, the woman above all women—I’d wanted her to hurt me for almost a quarter century. It wouldn’t be right to say that we ‘got back together’ at our Twentieth High School Reunion. We’d...

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A ThreeTrilogy BDSM BundleFeaturing Governess Dominates Couple, Punishment Incorporated, The Sexual Narratologist. E-book. Formato EPUB

A ThreeTrilogy BDSM BundleFeaturing Governess Dominates Couple, Punishment Incorporated, The Sexual Narratologist. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jon Zelig 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2018

In “Governess Dominates Couple,” Rob & Jayce discover the pleasures and the terrors of being utterly subjugated to the will of their stern, middleaged, Swedish Governess, Mistress Svar, who mercilessly and with the active support of Jayce’s biochemist mother, Helene “milks” them both, quickly draining even the possibility...

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The Cuckold Clinic. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Cuckold Clinic. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Jon Zelig 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2018

A new Femdom tale from the author of The Man Whisperer Program: Break Your Husband in 30 Days. Apparently, my wife had been faking it. Five years of marriage; two years of dating before that. And the only orgasms she’d had were . . . “of her own creation,” either genuine but the product of toys or her own fingers or...

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The Man Whisperer ProgramBreak Your Husband in Thirty Days. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Man Whisperer ProgramBreak Your Husband in Thirty Days. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jon Zelig 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2018

The Man Whisperer Institute is located in a Medical Arts Building down on Harlow Street. Their Program is simple: Break Your Husband in Thirty Days. Bailey and her husband Bob used to “play” dominance and submission games in college; on the cusp of thirty, they’ve long given that up. Time to be grownups, after all....

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