
Ferrari A Cur Tafuro Ambrosetti E Cur Libri

Libri di Cur Ferrari Cur Tafuro Ambrosetti

CUR FERRARI CUR TAFURO AMBROSETTI: tutti i Libri scritti da Cur Ferrari Cur Tafuro Ambrosetti in vendita online su Unilibro.it a prezzi scontati. Acquistare su Unilibro è semplice: clicca sul libro di Cur Ferrari Cur Tafuro Ambrosetti che ti interessa, aggiungilo a carrello e procedi quindi a concludere l'ordine


Multipolarity after Ukraine: old wines in new bottles?

Multipolarity after Ukraine: old wines in new bottles?

Ferrari A. (cur.)  Tafuro Ambrosetti E. (cur.) 
edizioni Ledizioni collana ISPI , 2023

One year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the war has exacerbated the rift between Russia and the "collective West". While Western governments have been steadfast in punishing Russia for the invasion, other countries around the world have been more ambiguous, at times even choosing to side with Moscow politically...

€ 11.40
€ 12.00


Enviroment in times of war. Climate and energy challenges in the post-Soviet region

Enviroment in times of war. Climate and energy challenges in the post-Soviet region

Ferrari A. (cur.)  Tafuro Ambrosetti E. (cur.) 
edizioni Ledizioni collana ISPI , 2022

€ 11.40
€ 12.00


Russia's foreign policy. The internal-internationl link

Russia's foreign policy. The internal-internationl link

Ferrari A. (cur.)  Tafuro Ambrosetti E. (cur.) 
edizioni Ledizioni collana ISPI , 2021

Who decides what in Moscow? The answer is not always "Vladimir Putin". However, when explaining Russia's foreign policy, the consolidation of Putin's autocratic tendencies and his apparent stability despite many economic and political challenges have contributed - at least in the West - to an excessive "Putin-centrism"...

€ 11.40
€ 12.00


Forward to the past? New/old theatres of Russia's international projection

Forward to the past? New/old theatres of Russia's international projection

Ferrari A. (cur.)  Tafuro Ambrosetti E. (cur.) 
edizioni Ledizioni collana ISPI , 2020

Russia seems to be back in many "old" theatres where the Soviet Union was actively engaged. More than a quarter of a century after the fall of the USSR, it is clear that Russia's President Vladimir Putin has made restoring Russia's great power status a primary goal of his twenty years in power. Political and historical...

€ 11.40
€ 12.00
Russia and China. Anatomy of a partnership

Russia and China. Anatomy of a partnership

Ferrari A. (cur.)  Tafuro Ambrosetti E. (cur.) 
edizioni Ledizioni collana ISPI , 2019

While the "decline of the West" is now almost taken for granted, China's impressive economic performance and the political influence of an assertive Russia in the international arena are combining to make Eurasia a key hub of political and economic power. That, certainly, is the story which Beijing and Moscow have...

€ 12.00