
Gonzalez Gaitano Noberto Libri

Libri di Noberto Gonzalez Gaitano

NOBERTO GONZALEZ GAITANO: tutti i Libri scritti da Noberto Gonzalez Gaitano in vendita online su Unilibro.it a prezzi scontati. Acquistare su Unilibro è semplice: clicca sul libro di Noberto Gonzalez Gaitano che ti interessa, aggiungilo a carrello e procedi quindi a concludere l'ordine


Love, friendship and storytelling. Talking with young people about the best-loved works of their generation

Love, friendship and storytelling. Talking with young people about the best-loved works of their generation

González Gaitano Noberto  Bellido Gema  Galatolo Cecilia 
edizioni Edusc , 2023

This book explores the results of a focus group study about how young people grasp the messages about friendship and love communicated through the stories they read, how these concepts influence their own values, and how they assess a piece of literature. On September 24th and 25th, 2021, at the Pontifical University...

€ 19.00
€ 20.00