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- Arcipelago italia. Projects for the future of the Country's interior territories...
Arcipelago italia. Projects for the future of the Country's interior territories Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Architettura 2018 - 9788822901774
Un libro edito da Quodlibet, 2018
- Prezzo di Copertina: € 35.00
- € 29.75
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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Arcipelago italia. Projects for the future of the Country's interior territories Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Architettura 2018
- Editore: Quodlibet
- Collana: Cataloghi di mostre
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2018
- Pagine: 288
- Dimensioni mm: 311 x 220 x 25
- ISBN-10: 8822901770
- ISBN-13: 9788822901774
Arcipelago italia. Projects for the future of the Country's interior territories Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Architettura 2018: Arcipelago Italia is the theme of the Italian Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2018. It is an idea that shifts architecture's attention away from the major cities and over to the physical space of our country where, even in the remotest of times, communities are historically expressed in a different relationship between urban dimension and territory. These territories are spatially and temporally distant from the large urban areas, and they possess an inestimable cultural heritage, so that Italy is identified as an «urban space in the Mediterranean». The heterogeneous cultural vastness of these territories, reflected in the diversification of their landscape, together with a vast territorial expanse and their distance from essential services, has encouraged us to consider their revival as a strategic theme for Italy as a whole. Arcipelago Italia is a manifesto whose goal is to indicate possible paths to be undertaken, aimed at bestowing value and importance on architecture. This catalogue will help visitors get to know our country better.
Italy archipelago is the theme of the Italian Pavilion at the architecture Biennale 2018. It is an idea that shifts architecture's attention away from the major cities and over to the physical space of our country where, even in the remotest of times, communities are historically expressed in a different relationship between urban dimension and territory. These territories are spatially and temporally distant from the large urban areas, and they possess an inestimable cultural heritage, so that Italy is identified as an ' urban space in the Mediterranean. " The heterogeneous cultural vastness of these territories, reflected in the diversification of their landscape, together with a vast territorial expanse and their distance from essential services, has encouraged us to consider their revival as a strategic theme for Italy as a whole. Italy archipelago is a poster whose goal is to indicate possible paths to be undertaken, aimed at bestowing value and importance on architecture. This catalogue will help visitors get to know our country better.
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