
A Swarming city - 9788891604248

di Giacomo Ardesio edito da Maggioli Editore, 2014

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


A Swarming city: This project emerges as part of the urban studies and fieldwork done with URBZ in the city of Mumbai for the Istanbul Design Biennial 2012. The research aims to describe the phenomenon of homegrown neighborhoods in Mumbai and their role within the urban dynamics. Starting from a pragmatic position of accep-tance, the objective is to seek the distinctive and characteristic features of this context in order to think of a different approach to interact with this phenomenon. The prototype, developed in Politecnico di Milano in the masters thesis and further resear-ches, is meant to define, according to the entropic character of informal settlements, how this energy can renew the urban system. The purpose is to orient the growth of these neighborhoods through a weak strategy, able to control without fixing the urban form, in relationship with the socio-economic fabric. The final result is a naive but genuine vision, without the ambition to give a definitive answer of how to think about a diffe-rent action upon these neighborhoods. It is a vision that grants them the right to survive as an active and productive part of the urban system. 0-n Collection of Master Thesis of Politecnico di Milano within the Theory of WeaknessDirector and Coordinator: Elisa C. Cattaneo "0-n" is a collection of master thesis which I oversaw as supervisor at Politecnico di Milano. These books are a platform of heterogeneity, which find their common field in the theory of weakness, as imperfect and manifold way of knowledge. The aim is to experience an alternative method for contemporary spaces, able to

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