    1. Libreria
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    3. Libri
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    5. Medicina
    6.  > 
    7. Geriatria
    8.  > 
    9. World congress of gerontology. The 15th Congress of Association of gerontology...

World congress of gerontology. The 15th Congress of Association of gerontology (Budapest, 4-9 luglio 1993) - 9788832307047

di Beregi E. (cur.) Gergely I. A. (cur.) Rajczi K. (cur.) edito da Monduzzi, 1993

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


World congress of gerontology. The 15th Congress of Association of gerontology (Budapest, 4-9 luglio 1993): World congress of gerontology. The 15th Congress of Association of gerontology (Budapest, 4-9 luglio 1993)

 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "World congress of gerontology. The 15th Congress of Association of gerontology (Budapest, 4-9 luglio 1993)"

 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "World congress of gerontology. The 15th Congress of Association of gerontology (Budapest, 4-9 luglio 1993)"