
Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary - 9780521606219

di Bill Mascull edito da CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS ELT, 2006

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary: Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary provides basic, essential vocabulary in a business context for learners of Business English. Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary follows the same successful approach as the tried and tested In Use vocabulary and grammar books, with vocabulary presentation and explanation on the left-hand page and practice on the right-hand page. The book comprises a number of thematic sections including work, time, money, products, services; and Skills units including numbers, telephoning, emails and faxes, meetings and presentations.
Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary provides basic, essential vocabulary in a business context for learners of Business English. Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary follows the same successful approach as the tried and tested In Use vocabulary and grammar books, with vocabulary presentation and explanation on the left-hand page and practice on the right-hand page. The book wide A number of thematic sections including work, time, money, products, services; and Skills units including numbers, telephoning, emails and faxes, meetings and presentations.

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