
Additional support and mediated learning in inclusive education in Europe. In collaboration with ASuMIE Project Team - 9788834354414

di Mariateresa Cairo Carruba Maria Concetta edito da Vita e Pensiero, 2023

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Additional support and mediated learning in inclusive education in Europe. In collaboration with ASuMIE Project Team: The present research has been realized within the ASuMIE Project funded by Erasmus + KA2. Like a true Odyssey, the ASuMIE Project allowed for an articulated journey to explore how the seven project partner countries' education and welfare systems find their place in the European dimension. The book presents the ASuMIE Research's reflections and the results of a comparative analysis about Inclusive Education in seven different countries: Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Norway and Portugal. Collected Data has been analyzed in the light of national and international literature: the research is situated in the European theoretical framework about the SEN people state. The study aims to collect and share mediated learning and inclusion's best practices. Comparing methods, tools, and criteria aimed to design and manage the class group and IEPs, this research represents an opportunity to reflect on the school system and extracurricular services. Moreover it provides ideas and plausible trajectories that will be able to guide future research on this topic, promoting inclusion and well-being for all, nobody excluded.

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