
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6 - 9780521123211

di Not Available (NA) edito da Cambridge Univ Pr, 2010

  • € 44.50

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6
  • Sottotitolo: Official Examination Papers from University of Cambridge Esol Examinations
  • AutoreNot Available (NA)
  • Editore: Cambridge Univ Pr
  • Collana:  (CD/Spoken Word)
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 29 Gennaio '10
  • Dimensioni mm: 120 x 139 x 6
  • ISBN-10: 0521123216
  • ISBN-13:  9780521123211


Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6: Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6 contains four complete PET past papers from Cambridge ESOL. These official papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the PET examination and to practise examination techniques. The book contains practice material for Paper 1 (Reading and Writing) and Paper 2 (Listening), along with attractive colour visual material for Paper 3, which enables students to prepare thoroughly for the paired Speaking test. The audio CD set contains the recordings for Paper 2 (Listening). Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of past papers from Cambridge ESOL. The two audio CDs available as part of the Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6 range contain the listening material for the aural component of the test (Paper 2).

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