
Objective Ket Tch Bk - 9780521541503

di Annette Capel Wendy Sharp edito da Cambridge Univ Pr, 2005

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


Objective Ket Tch Bk: Objective KET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Key English Test. The course combines solid language development with systematic and thorough exam preparation and practice. The short units give a sense of progress and cover a wide variety of motivating topics relevant to the exam. Regular revision and recycling of language is provided by the revision units and the Teacher's Book also contains photocopiable tests and activities, as well as a full answer key, recording scripts and helpful lesson notes.
Objective KET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Key English Test. The course combines solid language development with systematic and thorough exam preparation and practice. The short units give a sense of progress and cover a wide variety of motivating topics relevant to the exam. Regular revision and recycling of language is provided by the revision units and the Teacher's Book also contains photocopiable tests and activities, as well as a full answer key, recording scripts and helpful lesson notes.

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