
Change your mindset! To change your dog's behavior you have to change the way you think - 9788894954005

di Alexa Capra edito da Edizioni Zerotre, 2018

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Change your mindset! To change your dog's behavior you have to change the way you think
  • AutoreAlexa Capra
  • Editore: Edizioni Zerotre
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2018
  • ArgomentoCani
  • Pagine: 60
  • Traduttore: Nielsen J.
  • Dimensioni mm: 240 x 0 x 5
  • ISBN-10: 8894954005
  • ISBN-13:  9788894954005


Change your mindset! To change your dog's behavior you have to change the way you think: Change your mindset! To change your dog's behavior you have to change the way you think

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