
Well-being and behaviour in healthcare organisations - 9788838656057

di De Simone Stefania Massimo Franco Giuseppe Servillo edito da McGraw-Hill Education, 2022

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Well-being and behaviour in healthcare organisations: Well-being and behaviour in healthcare organisations explores employee well-being, an interesting issue in organisational behaviour studies due to the crucial role that people play in the survival and development of organisations. Over the last decades, well-being in the workplace has received great attention from both managers and scholars and has increasingly become a common theme in mainstream organisational research. A range of topics is covered here: organised frameworks on factors of well-being; motivation to work; leadership behaviours affecting employee well-being; impact of job demands and job resources; emotions at work; physician burnout and organisational interventions to reduce it. The topics covered are discussed in a theoretical and applied way, particularly in reference to the healthcare context, where service qluality and efficiency are closely linked to the human factor. The authors provide the basis of reflections on the importance of emplouee well-being in every working context, and on organisational interventions to promote it.

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