Eleventh Congress of the international federation for heat treatment and surface engineering. 4th ASM heat treatment and surface engineering: Conference in Europe - 9788885298316
Un libro edito da AIM, 1998
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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Eleventh Congress of the international federation for heat treatment and surface engineering. 4th ASM heat treatment and surface engineering: Conference in Europe
- Editore: AIM
- Data di Pubblicazione: 1998
- Genere: Ingegneria
- Pagine: 1522
- ISBN-10: 8885298311
- ISBN-13: 9788885298316
Eleventh Congress of the international federation for heat treatment and surface engineering. 4th ASM heat treatment and surface engineering: Conference in Europe: Eleventh Congress of the international federation for heat treatment and surface engineering. 4th ASM heat treatment and surface engineering: Conference in Europe
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