
Leaves and cigarettes: modelling the tobacco industry. With applications to Italy and Greece - 9788846471796

di Ferretti F. (cur.) edito da Franco Angeli, 2006

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


The book is organized in three parts, whichdescribe threedifferent quantitative approaches: an econometric modeling approach, a inear programming approach and an Input - Output approach. This book can be therefore of interest to both public policy makers, as wel as academics and private investors, involved in the tobacco industry.

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 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "Leaves and cigarettes: modelling the tobacco industry. With applications to Italy and Greece"

Le Recensioni degli Utenti Unilibro
"Leaves and cigarettes: modelling the tobacco industry. With applications to Italy and Greece"

The book is organized in three parts, whichdescribe threedifferent quantitative approaches: an econometric modeling approach, a inear programming approach and an Input - Output approach. This book can be therefore of interest to both public policy makers, as wel as academics and private investors, involved in the tobacco industry.