
The Majority Text. An apology of the text of the Greek New Testament found in the vast majority of the surviving ancient manuscripts - 9791222450308

di Giuseppe Guarino edito da StreetLib, 2023

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: The Majority Text. An apology of the text of the Greek New Testament found in the vast majority of the surviving ancient manuscripts
  • AutoreGiuseppe Guarino
  • Editore: StreetLib
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2023
  • Genere: bibbia
  • Dimensioni mm: 229 x 0 x 0
  • ISBN-13:  9791222450308


The Majority Text. An apology of the text of the Greek New Testament found in the vast majority of the surviving ancient manuscripts: The Majority Text. An apology of the text of the Greek New Testament found in the vast majority of the surviving ancient manuscripts

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 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "The Majority Text. An apology of the text of the Greek New Testament found in the vast majority of the surviving ancient manuscripts"