Hawkey Impact Theiry And Practice - 9780521680974
di Roger Hawkey edito da Cambridge Univ Pr, 2006
Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Hawkey Impact Theiry And Practice
- Sottotitolo: Studies of the IELTS Test And Progetto Lingue 2000
- Autore: Roger Hawkey
- Editore: Cambridge Univ Pr
- Collana: Cambridge Univ Pr (Paperback)
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
- Argomenti : Language and languages Ability testing Language acquisition Testing English language Study and teaching Foreign speakers
- Pagine: 235
- Dimensioni mm: 222 x 152 x 19
- ISBN-13: 9780521680974
Hawkey Impact Theiry And Practice: This book clarifies the concept of impact and related terms, such as washback, evaluation, monitoring and validation, and focuses on the impact of language tests and language programmes on a range of stakeholders, including test-takers, teachers, textbook writers, testers and institutions. First-hand experience is cited from two new impact studies. One analyses the impact of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), the second looks at the Progetto Lingue 2000 (Year 2000 Languages Project), a state-school foreign-language education improvement programme undertaken by the Ministry of Education in Italy. The main findings of these studies are presented, as well as theoretical and practical lessons to be learnt from them. The context is the role of impact studies in the test development and validation systems of Cambridge ESOL, the sponsor of both impact studies.
This book clarifies the concept of impact and related terms, such as washback, evaluation, monitoring and validation, and focuses on the impact of language tests and language programmes on a range of stakeholders, including test-takers, teachers, textbook writers, testers and institutions. First-hand experience is cited from two new impact studies. One analyses the impact of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), the second looks at the 2000 Languages Project (Year 2000 Languages Project), a state-school foreign-language education improvement programme undertaken by the Ministry of Education in Italy. The main findings of these studies are presented, as well as theoretical and practical lessons to be learnt from them. The context is the role of impact studies in the test development and validation systems of Cambridge ESOL, the sponsor of both impact studies.
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Hawkey Impact Theiry And Practice
Hawkey Roger
edizioni Cambridge Univ Pr
Cambridge Univ Pr (Paperback)
, 2006
Hawkey Impact Theiry And Practice
libro di Hawkey Roger
edizioni Cambridge Univ Pr collana Cambridge Univ Pr (Paperback)
€ 4.95
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