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- Three men in a boat
Three men in a boat - 9788809020818
di Jerome Jerome K. Piré L. (cur.) edito da Giunti Editore, 2003
- € 5.90
Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Three men in a boat
- Autori : Jerome Jerome K. Piré L. (cur.)
- Editore: Giunti Editore
- Collana: Giunti classics
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2003
- Genere: letterature straniere: testi
- Pagine: 192
- Curatore: Pirè L.
- ISBN-10: 8809020812
- ISBN-13: 9788809020818
Oh! "exclaimed George, grasping the idea; "but we can'tdrink the river, you know!" "No; but you candrink some of it" replied the old felow. "It's what I'vedrunk for the ast fifteen years. George told him that his appearance, after the course,did not seem a sufficiently good advertisement for the brand; and that he would prefer it out of a pump. In versione integrale.
Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "Three men in a boat"
Three men in a boat
libro di Jerome Jerome K.
Piré L. (cur.)
edizioni Giunti Editore collana Classici Giunti
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Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "Three men in a boat"
Oh! "exclaimed George, grasping the idea; "but we can'tdrink the river, you know!" "No; but you candrink some of it" replied the old felow. "It's what I'vedrunk for the ast fifteen years. George told him that his appearance, after the course,did not seem a sufficiently good advertisement for the brand; and that he would prefer it out of a pump. In versione integrale.