
Pakenham Making Connections 2ed - 9780521542845

di Kenneth J Pakenham edito da Cambridge university press, 2004

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Pakenham Making Connections 2ed: The series helps students gain insight into how academic text is organized and how to read effectively. Making Connections High Intermediate is a reading skills book aimed at students who need to prepare for academic college reading tasks. The book has four high-interest thematic units, each with multiple readings. Twelve reading skills and strategies sections give students insight into how academic texts are organized and how to read effectively.
The series helps students gain insight into how academic text is organized and how to read effectively. Making Connections High Intermediate is a reading skills book aimed at students who need to prepare for academic college reading tasks. The book has four high-interest thematic units, each with multiple readings. Twelve reading skills and strategies sections give students insight into how academic texts are organized and how to read effectively.

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