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- The concept of time and form of life in st. Paul: from the perspective of Giorgio...
The concept of time and form of life in st. Paul: from the perspective of Giorgio Agamben - 9788838254994
di Kim Min Cheol edito da Studium, 2025
Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: The concept of time and form of life in st. Paul: from the perspective of Giorgio Agamben
- Autore: Kim Min Cheol
- Editore: Studium
- Collana: Tesi Gregoriana. Serie diritto canonico
- Data di Pubblicazione: Marzo '2025
- Argomento : Paolo (san)
- Pagine: 336
- Dimensioni mm: 230 x 0 x 25
- ISBN-10: 8838254990
- ISBN-13: 9788838254994
The concept of time and form of life in st. Paul: from the perspective of Giorgio Agamben: This volume explores the concept of time and that of the form of life in the apocalyptic messianism of St. Paul through an intense dialogue with Giorgio Agamben. The Italian philosopher identifies ? ??? ?a???? (ho nyn kairos), meaning "the now time," in St. Paul's thought as the core of his messianic thinking, which stimulates a wide range of theological and philosophical discussions. These include questions such as these: what is (end) time?; what constitutes life?; and who is the messiah for St. Paul? Given the multiplicity of interconnected themes, an interdisciplinary approach is adopted for this research. In addition to theological inquiry, philosophical and biblical hermeneutics are actively employed to analyze Pauline texts and to engage rigorously with Agamben's interpretation of the messianic possibilities that the Apostle's writings offer for the world today. Thus, in the final chapter, the discussion focuses on the possibility of practicing messianic time and life in the present world. This is achieved by examining the crises facing today's world, such as migration, war, and the existential struggles of humanity within a capitalist society.
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