
From within. Between interior. Architecture and design - 9788862424240

di Jacopo Laveratto edito da LetteraVentidue, 2020

  • Prezzo di Copertina: € 14.74
  • € 12.53
  • Risparmi il 15% (€ 2.21)

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


From within. Between interior. Architecture and design: What is the actual difference between architectural and interior design? To answer the question, this book looks into the actions of interior disciplines, to understand what they do, not only what they are. In doing so, it studies them through intersection, to identify the essential principles that characterise this kind of design. From typology to topology, from context to palimpsest, from space to place, the result is a story - particularly focused on the Italian tradition - of the ideas and projects that defined a particular design sensibility that knows no limits of context or scale.

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