
The voice of God on mount Sinai. Rabbinic commentaries on exodus 20:1 in the light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist - 9788876536595

di Reinhard Neudecker edito da Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2012

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The voice of God on mount Sinai. Rabbinic commentaries on exodus 20:1 in the light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist: The voice of God on mount Sinai. Rabbinic commentaries on exodus 20:1 in the light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist

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The voice of God on mount Sinai. Rabbinic commentaries on exodus 20:1 in the light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist libro di Neudecker Reinhard
The voice of God on mount Sinai. Rabbinic commentaries on exodus 20:1 in the light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist
libro di Neudecker Reinhard 
edizioni Pontificio Istituto Biblico collana Subsidia Biblica
€ 30.00

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