
Yuxtaposición extrema. A symbiotic relationship between the spontaneous settlements and the morphology of the natural context - 9788891638786

di Carlotta Olivari Margherita Pasquali Francisco Diaz edito da Maggioli Editore, 2019

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Yuxtaposición extrema. A symbiotic relationship between the spontaneous settlements and the morphology of the natural context: This thesis aims to investigate the issue of informality. Specifically, it is analyzed the symbiotic relationship between the informal development and the morphological conformation of the natural context, with the consequent intersection of the inhabited space and the natural one. Studying and intervening in this context, means giving a reading of the informal space, which can not disregard the social and political aspects that characterize the area of development. The spatial interaction between the natural context and the informal advancement is extreme in the Chilean territory. After developing a transdisciplinary theoretical-design platform between the landscape architectural, philosophical and sociological fields, the final objective of the thesis is to apply the defined design method in response to the endemic problems detected in different places. The aim is to show that the natural context becomes an essential dynamic resource in the informal development process; therefore, the strategy of the outlined architectural intervention, which takes into account social interactions and therefore the human factor, must be related and conform to this natural process. "0-n" is a collection of master thesis which I oversaw as supervisor at Politecnico di Milano. These books are a platform of heterogeneity, which find their common field in the theory of weakness, as imperfect and manifold way of knowledge. The aim is to experience an alternative method for contemporary spaces, able to regenerate the stabilized ideas of design. They are more experimental and vital texts/tests th
This thesis aims to investigate the issue of informality. Specifically, it is analyzed the symbiotic relationship between the informal development and the morphological conformation of the natural context, with the consequent intersection of the inhabited space and the natural one. Studying and intervening in this context, means giving a reading of the informal space, which can not disregard the social and political aspects that characterize the area of development. The spatial interaction between the natural context and the informal advancement is extreme in the Chilean territory. After developing a transdisciplinary theoretical-design platform between the architectural landscape, philosophical and sociological fields, the final objective of thesis is to apply the defined design method in response to the endemic problems detected in different places. The aim is to show that the natural context becomes an essential dynamic resource in the informal development process; Therefore, the strategy of the outlined architectural intervention, which takes into account social interactions and therefore the human factor, must be related and conform to this natural process. "0-n" is a collection of master thesis which I oversaw as supervisor at Polytechnic of Milan. These books are a platform of heterogeneity, which find their common field in the theory of weakness, as imperfect and manifold way of knowledge. The aim is to experience an alternative method for contemporary spaces, able to regenerate the stabilized ideas of design. They are more experimental and vital texts/tests th

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