
The Lost and the Found. Cuneiform Collections Rediscovered. With Copies by Herbert Sauren. Vol. 2 - 9788894021899

di Tohru Ozaki Owen David I. Palmiro Notizia edito da DICAM, 2020

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: The Lost and the Found. Cuneiform Collections Rediscovered. With Copies by Herbert Sauren. Vol. 2
  • AutoriTohru Ozaki Owen David I. Palmiro Notizia
  • Editore: DICAM
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2020
  • Genere: arti
  • Pagine: 270
  • Volume: 2
  • Dimensioni mm: 300 x 210 x 20
  • ISBN-10: 8894021890
  • ISBN-13:  9788894021899


The Lost and the Found. Cuneiform Collections Rediscovered. With Copies by Herbert Sauren. Vol. 2: The Lost and the Found. Cuneiform Collections Rediscovered. With Copies by Herbert Sauren. Vol. 2

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Altri libri con autore: Ozaki Tohru; Owen David I.; Notizia Palmiro
The lost and the found. Cuneiform collections rediscovered. With Copies by Herbert Sauren. Vol. 1 libro di Ozaki Tohru Owen David I. Notizia Palmiro
The lost and the found. Cuneiform collections rediscovered. With Copies by Herbert Sauren. Vol. 1
libro di Ozaki Tohru  Owen David I.  Notizia Palmiro 
edizioni DICAM
€ 30.00
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