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- Prophetic engagement. The Issachar Mandate. Unlocking the hidden power of the...
Prophetic engagement. The Issachar Mandate. Unlocking the hidden power of the interpretive function in the gift of prophecy - 9788889127315
di Pax Harry Obii edito da Destiny Image Europe, 2006
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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Prophetic engagement. The Issachar Mandate. Unlocking the hidden power of the interpretive function in the gift of prophecy
- Autore: Pax Harry Obii
- Editore: Destiny Image Europe
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
- Genere: teologia morale cristiana
- Pagine: 208
- ISBN-10: 8889127317
- ISBN-13: 9788889127315
Prophetic engagement. The Issachar Mandate. Unlocking the hidden power of the interpretive function in the gift of prophecy: Prophetic engagement. The Issachar Mandate. Unlocking the hidden power of the interpretive function in the gift of prophecy
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