
Longman Introductory Course for the Toefl Test - 9780131847187

di Deborah Phillips edito da Pearson Longman, 2011

  • € 43.40

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Longman Introductory Course for the Toefl Test:

This comprehensive course provides intermediate students (TOEFL test scores 380-480) with the skills, strategies, practice, and confidence they need to improve their scores on all sections of the paper TOEFL test, including the Test of Written English (TWE®).

The Introductory Paper Test book features:

  • Language skills sections that cover the intermediate-level language skills regularly tested on the paper TOEFL test., as well as the Test of Written English
  • Practice exercises for each of the language skills that maximize understanding and retention of those skills
  • Test-taking strategies for each section of the paper test that provide clearly defined steps to improve test performance
  • Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests that allow students to identify strengths and weaknesses and assess improvement in each section
  • Two complete introductory-level practice tests that familiarize students with the actual test format using questions that test only intermediate-level language skills
  • One complete TOEFL-level practice test that allows students to see how the skills in this text are incorporated into an official-level TOEFL test and to determine their approximate TOEFL scores
  • Progress charts that allow students to keep track of their improvement
The Introductory Paper Test CD-ROM features:
  • Over 1,000 questions that cover each section of the test
  • Skills practice exercises for each of the language skills presented in the text
  • Introductory-level practice tests that simulate the format and timing of the actual paper TOEFL test
  • Pop-up explanations for all practice and test items
  • Record-keeping to monitor student progress


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