
Richards Interchange In-a 3ed Std+cd - 9780521601535

di Richards Jack C. edito da Cambridge Univ Pr, 2005

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


Richards Interchange In-a 3ed Std+cd: Interchange Third edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. Intro is the introductory level of the Interchange Third Edition series. The Intro Level Student's Book is designed for beginning students needing a thorough, slow-paced presentation of basic functions, grammar structures, and vocabulary. Intro is based on the principle that low-level learning does not equal low-level thinking. The Student's Book contains 16 teaching units, frequent progress checks that allow students to assess and monitor their own learning, and a self-study section. Included is a Student Audio CD that contains the conversation, pronunciation, and self-study sections from the Student's Book. Student's Book A contains units 1-8, the first half of the complete Intro Student's Book.
Interchange Third edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. Intro is the introductory level of the Interchange Third Edition series. The Intro Level Student's Book is designed for beginning students needing a thorough, slow-paced presentation of basic functions, grammar structures, and vocabulary. Intro is based on the principle that low-level learning does not equal low-level thinking. The Student's Book contains 16 teaching units, frequent progress checks that allow students to assess and monitor their own learning, and a self-study section. Included is a Student Audio CD that contains the conversation, pronunciation, and self-study sections from the Student's Book. Student's Book contains units 1-8, the first half of the complete Intro Student's Book.

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