
Il corvo - 9788829702817

di Cord Riechelmann Schalansky J. (cur.) edito da Marsilio, 2019

  • Prezzo di Copertina: € 15.00
  • € 12.75
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Il corvo: Iettatore, veggente, protagonista di leggende, per la silhouette scura e il gracchiare cupo il corvo viene spesso accostato a immagini di morte. Fondendo reportage, storia culturale e analisi scientifica, Cord Riechelmann offre un ritratto ricco e sfaccettato di questi abitanti delle nostre città. Da Edgar Allan Poe a Vincent van Gogh, dalla mitologia alla biologia comportamentale, un'affascinante indagine sul volatile che ha ispirato l'immaginario di tutte le epoche. Prefazione di Telmo Pievani.
Injector, irresolute, seer, protagonist of myths and legends, with its dark silhouette and its gloomy croak the crow is often juxtaposed with images of death. But if for the ancient Greeks the god Apollo would have changed the color of his pens from white to black to punish him for bringing him bad news, in the New Testament Jesus of Nazareth points it to his disciples as an example of frugality: "Look at the crows: they do not sow and they do not harvest, they have no closet or barn, and God feeds them." Accompanied by the graphic project of Judith Schalansky, in the book the biologist and master of 'nature writing' Cord Riechelmann offers a rich and multifaceted portrait of this city dweller, combining reportage, cultural history and scientific analysis. We discover that the Family of the Corvids is made up of as many as 123 different songbirds, that their memory, as Konrad Lorenz has shown, is superior to that of humans, and that despite the characteristic black color their closest relatives are the birds paradise. It also has twenty cards illustrated on as many species observed in their natural habitat.

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