
Off the map. The compelling story of believers who learned the power and love of god during a spirit led five years journey - 9788889127346

di Sandy Rosen edito da Destiny Image Europe, 2006

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Off the map. The compelling story of believers who learned the power and love of god during a spirit led five years journey
  • AutoreSandy Rosen
  • Editore: Destiny Image Europe
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
  • Genere: religione
  • Pagine: 192
  • ISBN-10: 8889127341
  • ISBN-13:  9788889127346


Off the map. The compelling story of believers who learned the power and love of god during a spirit led five years journey: Off the map. The compelling story of believers who learned the power and love of god during a spirit led five years journey

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