Sweeney Communicating Busin. Cd 2ed - 9780521549158
di Simon Sweeney edito da Cambridge Univ Pr, 2004
Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Sweeney Communicating Busin. Cd 2ed
- Autore: Simon Sweeney
- Editore: Cambridge Univ Pr
- Collana: (CD/Spoken Word)
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2004
- Dimensioni mm: 146 x 127 x 12
- ISBN-10: 0521549159
- ISBN-13: 9780521549158
Sweeney Communicating Busin. Cd 2ed: Communicating in Business is a short American English course for intermediate level students in or preparing for work who need to improve their communicative ability when socializing, telephoning, presenting, taking part in meetings and negotiating. Students analyze the requirements of the relevant communicative situation and are then given controlled and free stage practice to develop confidence, fluency, range and effectiveness. The second edition includes a Quick Communication Check in each unit and the material has been thoroughly updated with a greater focus on email communication.
Communicating in Business is a short American English course for intermediate level students in or preparing for work who need to improve their communicative ability when socializing, telephoning, presenting, taking part in meetings and negotiating. Students analyze the requirements of the relevant communicative situation and are then given controlled and free stage practice to develop confidence, fluency, range and effectiveness. The second edition includes a Quick Communication Check in each unit and the material has been thoroughly updated with a greater focus on email communication.
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