
Doing business with a Blockchain consulting and support organization. The step by step action book to create, maintain, and grow a successful cosmos Blockchain competence center - 9788885623057

di Enrico Talin Egidio Casati Davide Coletto edito da AGISCO, 2020

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Doing business with a Blockchain consulting and support organization. The step by step action book to create, maintain, and grow a successful cosmos Blockchain competence center
  • AutoriEnrico Talin Egidio Casati Davide Coletto
  • Editore: AGISCO
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2020
  • Genere: libro. elaborazione dati
  • ISBN-10: 8885623050
  • ISBN-13:  9788885623057


Doing business with a Blockchain consulting and support organization. The step by step action book to create, maintain, and grow a successful cosmos Blockchain competence center: Doing business with a Blockchain consulting and support organization. The step by step action book to create, maintain, and grow a successful cosmos Blockchain competence center

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 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "Doing business with a Blockchain consulting and support organization. The step by step action book to create, maintain, and grow a successful cosmos Blockchain competence center"