
Doing business with the Blockchain. The strategic guide that explains to entrepreneurs and managers how to master the technology that will change the world - 9788885623088

di Enrico Talin edito da AGISCO, 2019

Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Doing business with the Blockchain. The strategic guide that explains to entrepreneurs and managers how to master the technology that will change the world
  • AutoreEnrico Talin
  • Editore: AGISCO
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2019
  • Genere: libro. elaborazione dati
  • ISBN-10: 8885623085
  • ISBN-13:  9788885623088


Doing business with the Blockchain. The strategic guide that explains to entrepreneurs and managers how to master the technology that will change the world: Doing business with the Blockchain. The strategic guide that explains to entrepreneurs and managers how to master the technology that will change the world

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Altri libri con autore: Talin Enrico

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