
Traveling with Cortés and Pizarro. Discovering fine pre-columbian art. A curator's and collector's journey through the Stuart Handler Collection. Ediz. illustrata - 9788874398089

di Hugh Thomson Joanne Stuhr Edward Parrinello edito da 5 Continents Editions, 2018

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Traveling with Cortés and Pizarro. Discovering fine pre-columbian art. A curator's and collector's journey through the Stuart Handler Collection. Ediz. illustrata
  • AutoriHugh Thomson Joanne Stuhr Edward Parrinello
  • Editore: 5 Continents Editions
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2018
  • Genere: arti
  • ArgomentoArte precolombiana
  • Pagine: 400
  • Dimensioni mm: 260 x 319 x 37
  • ISBN-10: 8874398085
  • ISBN-13:  9788874398089


Traveling with Cortés and Pizarro. Discovering fine pre-columbian art. A curator's and collector's journey through the Stuart Handler Collection. Ediz. illustrata: Traveling with Cortés and Pizarro. Discovering fine pre-columbian art. A curator's and collector's journey through the Stuart Handler Collection. Ediz. illustrata
Traveling with Cortés and Pizarro. Discovering fine pre-columbian art. A curator's and collector's journey through the Stuart Handler Collection. Ediz. Shown

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 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "Traveling with Cortés and Pizarro. Discovering fine pre-columbian art. A curator's and collector's journey through the Stuart Handler Collection. Ediz. illustrata"