Beatific vision as prefigured in the gospel of the transfiguration. A dogmatic study of the teachings of the popes... -
di Ugwaka Patrick I. edito da Urbaniana University Press, 2001
- € 5.16
Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Beatific vision as prefigured in the gospel of the transfiguration. A dogmatic study of the teachings of the popes...
- Autore: Ugwaka Patrick I.
- Editore: Urbaniana University Press
- Collana: Dissertationes urbanianae
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2001
- Genere: Religione
- Pagine: XI-147
Beatific vision as prefigured in the gospel of the transfiguration. A dogmatic study of the teachings of the popes...: Beatific vision as prefigured in the gospel of the transfiguration. A dogmatic study of the teachings of the popes...
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