
The power of your vision. Show what you want with the power of intention and imagination - 9788834149355

di De Angelis David edito da StreetLib, 2019

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: The power of your vision. Show what you want with the power of intention and imagination
  • AutoreDe Angelis David
  • Editore: StreetLib
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2019
  • Genere: psicologia
  • Dimensioni mm: 210 x 0 x 0
  • ISBN-10: 8834149351
  • ISBN-13:  9788834149355


The power of your vision. Show what you want with the power of intention and imagination: Each of us has the full right to be fulfilled and to achieve our secret desires. The desires of the heart are those to which our soul aspires and for which we are born. This book wants to inspire you to find inside yourself what makes your heart beat and follow it with passion and trust, knowing that somewhere it will take you, even if at this moment you don't know how and don't see the end of the "road". One of the greatest things in life is to recognize and embrace one's vision and to follow it with passion and enthusiasm. This small but precious book will reveal to you how to use powerful tools and "powers", almost unknown to the mass of people, whose conscience is asleep in front of the TV and the innumerable distractions of life. The power of Intention and Imagination to influence that powerful force that guides our every step in life: the Subconscious. What distinguishes you and the great characters of history or your neighbor who seems to possess everything and have a rich and "lucky" life, is only and only what exists in the depth of consciousness, formed by fears and doubts or, on the contrary , from empowering beliefs. The subconscious is like a system file that exists in every computer and allows it to work. Just format, change and "upgrade" this software and you're done. Very beautiful things will begin to appear, almost by "magic", in your life.
Each of us has the full right to be fulfilled and to achieve our secret desires. The desires of the heart are those to which our soul aspires and for which we are born. This book wants to inspire you to find inside yourself what makes your heart beat and follow it with passion and trust, knowing that somewhere it will take you, even if at this moment you don't know how and don't see the end of the "road". One of the greatest things in life is to recognize and embrace one's vision and to follow it with passion and enthusiasm. This small but precious book will reveal to you how to use powerful tools and "powers", almost unknown to the mass of people, whose conscience is asleep in front of the TV and the innumerable distractions of life. The power of Intention and Imagination to influence that powerful force that guides our every step in life: the Subconscious. What distinguishes you and the great characters of history or your neighbor who seems to possess everything and have a rich and "lucky" life, is only and only what exists in the depth of consciousness, formed by fears and doubts or, on the contrary , from empowering beliefs. The subconscious is like a system file that exists in every computer and allows it to work. Just format, change and "upgrade" this software and you're done. Very beautiful things will begin to appear, almost by "magic", in your life.

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