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- Chakra meditation. Chakras healing meditation for beginners + cognitive behavioral...
Chakra meditation. Chakras healing meditation for beginners + cognitive behavioral therapy + relaxation and stress reduction - 9791220355070
di Robin McGill edito da Youcanprint, 2021
- Prezzo di Copertina: € 25.00
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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro
- Titolo del Libro: Chakra meditation. Chakras healing meditation for beginners + cognitive behavioral therapy + relaxation and stress reduction
- Autore: Robin McGill
- Editore: Youcanprint
- Collana: CORPO, MENTE E SPIRITO / Meditazione
- Data di Pubblicazione: 2021
- Genere: fenomeni e tecniche paranormali
- Argomenti : Meditazione Chakra
- Pagine: 498
- ISBN-13: 9791220355070
Chakra meditation. Chakras healing meditation for beginners + cognitive behavioral therapy + relaxation and stress reduction: Chakra meditation. Chakras healing meditation for beginners + cognitive behavioral therapy + relaxation and stress reduction
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